수면과다증 원인 증상 치료 방법

1. Medication The use of stimulants such as modafinyl and armodafinyl is effective in reducing daytime drowsiness. In addition, if you have depression, antidepressants can be used to control your sleep cycle. These various drugs are used to suit each need and condition. 2. Sleep Management Keep a regular sleep schedule so that you can go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, and decorate your room quietly and dark so that you can easily fall asleep. In addition, it is recommended to limit your nap as it can interfere with your sleep patterns. 3. Other cognitive behavioral therapy improves sleep habits and learns stress management skills. In addition, energy management techniques help you use energy more efficiently by adjusting your activity level, and regular exercise helps to raise your overall energy level and improve your sleep quality.How to treat sleep and polyposisFeeling severe drowsiness despite symptom explanation and excessive drowsiness during daylight hours, and this is repeated every day. Sudden sleep. Can suddenly fall asleep in any environment. Temporary state of being unable to move the body when waking up from sleep paralysis. Experiencing hallucinations just before or when waking up.Sleep hyperactivity is a sleep disorder that causes excessive sleep or naps, which can significantly reduce the energy and concentration required for daily activities and can lead to negative consequences such as emotional control problems, difficulties in social interactions, and poor performance at work or school. That’s why in addition to simply sleeping a lot, it should be recognized as a disease and properly managed. In this article, we will learn about the causes and symptoms of sleep hyperactivity, and how to treat it. Causes of sleep hyperactivity

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